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- Self-Publishing for the Clueless® - $29.95
Self-Publishing for the Clueless® - $29.95
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Self-Publishing for the Clueless® - Step-by-step workbook with instructions to create and publish your own paper book for less than $3.00 per copy, in less than 90 days and produce e-Books for literally nothing plus how to get your books on Amazon.com or listed as paid downloads on Kindle™, iPAD™ or notebooks.
Contains a 279 page resource manual with complete information, examples, and resources for everything you’ll need including how to get bar codes, cover designs, and low cost printing sources.
Contains a 279 page resource manual with complete information, examples, and resources for everything you’ll need including how to get bar codes, cover designs, and low cost printing sources.
Sample Content
Part 1 – General information
Why be published?
Free, fee, or promotional motive?
Before you start to consider the world of publishing, you should decide on the reason to publish your work because this will determine a lot of what you do and how you do it.
FREE: If you search the Web; you’ll find a myriad of information posted for reading, review, download, reprinting, and reproduction with no concerns about ownership, usage or distribution.
This material is considered to be public domain and has been posted for the betterment of those who need the information with no concern, other than notoriety, regarding its usage or profit making potential.
The world works better because they share their knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and experiences and it doesn’t matter whether they make money from their information—it still has its inherent value.
Another reason to publish for free is to establish a legacy for either your personal life or your business pursuits. Many people have led both interesting and valuable lives and their experiences have proven to be of interest and value to their readers.
If you want to make sure that your insights don’t get lost in the mists of time, you can freely publish or e-Publish your work to help others benefit from what you’ve learned.
FEE: My philosophy is: People want to know and their curiosity should cost them.
In today’s world people’s time is extremely valuable and if you can help them make money, save them money, or save them time with your knowledge, the people should pay for it because if they’re serious, they’ll make an investment in their own time to acquire the same information that you possess.
Self-Publishing and e-Publishing lends itself to the immediate sales of all types of information through pay-per-download systems with no inventory costs and automated delivery of content.
NOTORIETY: Those who are published command greater respect and higher salaries.
Whether you’re a CEO, CFO, manager, or someone on the way up, if you don’t make yourself stand out then you’re just another me—too trying to get ahead.
In our culture, there is one type of person who is always considered an expert.
They’re the ones who write a book and as a result, dominate their marketplace because our culture equates an author with being an expert!
Think of the impact on your bottom line by being the person who literally wrote the book!
Types of published materials
When we speak about publishing, we usually think about paper books and today, we tend to add e-books to the mix.
But there are actually four types of publishing:
1. Paper or print
2. E-Books or electronic print
3. Audio books
4. Video books.
Each of these methods has huge markets and a tremendous potential for success.
We’ll be covering each of these and showing you how to create your own versions of each of these elements and make them available to the buying public.
No one format is better than the other; they simply have different characteristics that have been developed to serve the needs of the buying public.
We strongly urge you to look to the end purpose, distribution process, economic viability, talents, skills and resources required, and the overall budgetary constraints you face as you consider each of the different method of recording and distributing your knowledge, wisdom, and experiences.
What is publishing?
Traditionally, publishing is defined as the selection, preparation, and distribution of printed matter—including books, newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets.
A more contemporary definition would be that publishing is making knowledge, information, wisdom, or experiences available to others though available distribution channels.
What’s the difference between royalty publishing and self-publishing?
Traditional publishing
In traditional publishing, the author completes his or her manuscript, writes a query letter or a proposal, and submits these documents to a publishing house (or has
An editor reads it, considers whether it is right for the house, and decides either to reject it (leaving the author free to offer it to another publisher) or to publish it.
If the publishing house decides to publish the book, the house buys the rights from the writer and pays him or her an advance on future royalties.
The house puts up the money to design and package the book, prints as many copies of the book as it thinks will sell, markets the book, and finally distributes the finished book to the public.
The process is a bit different for self-publishing.
An author who decides to self-publish basically becomes the publisher and handles everything including the writing, printing, distribution and promotion of the material. The author must proofread the final text and provide the funds required to publish the book, as well as the camera-ready artwork.
The author is responsible for marketing and distributing the book, filling orders, and running advertising campaigns.
Why be published?
Free, fee, or promotional motive?
Before you start to consider the world of publishing, you should decide on the reason to publish your work because this will determine a lot of what you do and how you do it.
FREE: If you search the Web; you’ll find a myriad of information posted for reading, review, download, reprinting, and reproduction with no concerns about ownership, usage or distribution.
This material is considered to be public domain and has been posted for the betterment of those who need the information with no concern, other than notoriety, regarding its usage or profit making potential.
The world works better because they share their knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and experiences and it doesn’t matter whether they make money from their information—it still has its inherent value.
Another reason to publish for free is to establish a legacy for either your personal life or your business pursuits. Many people have led both interesting and valuable lives and their experiences have proven to be of interest and value to their readers.
If you want to make sure that your insights don’t get lost in the mists of time, you can freely publish or e-Publish your work to help others benefit from what you’ve learned.
FEE: My philosophy is: People want to know and their curiosity should cost them.
In today’s world people’s time is extremely valuable and if you can help them make money, save them money, or save them time with your knowledge, the people should pay for it because if they’re serious, they’ll make an investment in their own time to acquire the same information that you possess.
Self-Publishing and e-Publishing lends itself to the immediate sales of all types of information through pay-per-download systems with no inventory costs and automated delivery of content.
NOTORIETY: Those who are published command greater respect and higher salaries.
Whether you’re a CEO, CFO, manager, or someone on the way up, if you don’t make yourself stand out then you’re just another me—too trying to get ahead.
In our culture, there is one type of person who is always considered an expert.
They’re the ones who write a book and as a result, dominate their marketplace because our culture equates an author with being an expert!
Think of the impact on your bottom line by being the person who literally wrote the book!
Types of published materials
When we speak about publishing, we usually think about paper books and today, we tend to add e-books to the mix.
But there are actually four types of publishing:
1. Paper or print
2. E-Books or electronic print
3. Audio books
4. Video books.
Each of these methods has huge markets and a tremendous potential for success.
We’ll be covering each of these and showing you how to create your own versions of each of these elements and make them available to the buying public.
No one format is better than the other; they simply have different characteristics that have been developed to serve the needs of the buying public.
We strongly urge you to look to the end purpose, distribution process, economic viability, talents, skills and resources required, and the overall budgetary constraints you face as you consider each of the different method of recording and distributing your knowledge, wisdom, and experiences.
What is publishing?
Traditionally, publishing is defined as the selection, preparation, and distribution of printed matter—including books, newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets.
A more contemporary definition would be that publishing is making knowledge, information, wisdom, or experiences available to others though available distribution channels.
What’s the difference between royalty publishing and self-publishing?
Traditional publishing
In traditional publishing, the author completes his or her manuscript, writes a query letter or a proposal, and submits these documents to a publishing house (or has
An editor reads it, considers whether it is right for the house, and decides either to reject it (leaving the author free to offer it to another publisher) or to publish it.
If the publishing house decides to publish the book, the house buys the rights from the writer and pays him or her an advance on future royalties.
The house puts up the money to design and package the book, prints as many copies of the book as it thinks will sell, markets the book, and finally distributes the finished book to the public.
The process is a bit different for self-publishing.
An author who decides to self-publish basically becomes the publisher and handles everything including the writing, printing, distribution and promotion of the material. The author must proofread the final text and provide the funds required to publish the book, as well as the camera-ready artwork.
The author is responsible for marketing and distributing the book, filling orders, and running advertising campaigns.